(508) 459-1372
Email: sssupply@charter.net
7B Street, Building 11 Auburn MA 01501
Monday-Friday 6:30 am – 4:00 pm

Email: sssupply@charter.net
7B Street, Building 11 Auburn MA 01501
Monday-Friday 6:30 am – 4:00 pm

S & S Building Materials
Boom truck delivery throughout Worcester County
We Offer:
- A large inventory of Sheetrock, Metal Studs and Insulation
- Fire Rated Lumber and Plywood
- Plaster and Finishing Compounds
- Fire Rated and Regular Polyethylene
- Beads and Trim
- Masonry Repair Mortars
- Waterproofing and Damp-roofing Products
- Mold Resistant Sheetrock
- Blast Sand Media
- Flue Liners and Brick and more ...
Our salespeople are experts at Repairs and Restorations in both plaster and masonry.