Your contractor supply headquarters. Located in Auburn MA (508) 459-1372
Specializing in Commercial Doors and Hardware, Welded Frames, Punch and Dimple, Head and Strike Re-enforcement, Window kits installed, Cut to size doors and frames, Installations and Maintenance spacerContracts. This website was created to help you understand who we are and how we can help you with your commercial material needs. Our pages are filled with information about our company and our commitment to you to make your project run as smoothly and profitably as we can when we supply it.
Our Services list explains what we do and who to contact and our divisional pages describe in detail each segment of our company.
Visit our related links site for access to things like product description sheets, MSDS files, submittals and direct links to all the companies we deal with as well as strategic partners.
Finally, our Industry news tab will point you to any market details and industry news that may be important or of interest to you.

About S&S Contractor’s Supply Inc.
S&S was launched in mid 2009 with the belief that there was room in the central Massachusetts market for a distributor who’s focus was on service, quality and value. Owners Suzanne Smiley and Sandro DiDonato have a collective 40+ years experience dealing with the needs of the Worcester County market.
Scott Ballantine is our Sales and Field Technician who has over 10 years experience in the fabrication and installation of our products. Scott’s level of service is second to none and his ability to produce a solution to a sometimes unusual “on the job” situation is his strongest asset.
Another recent addition to S&S is our estimator Brian Gould. Brian has over 15 years experience working with general contractor’s who require specification quotes and more complex estimates. Institutional requirements are his specialty and Brian’s attention to detail ensures that his jobs run smoothly, accurately and on-time.
S&S is a Women-in-Business owned company.
Doors and Hardware
· Welded Frames
· Punch and Dimple
· Head and Strike Re-enforcement
· Window kits installed
· Cut to size doors and frames
· Installations and Maintenance
Building Materials
· Standard and Specialty Materials
· Boom Truck and Flatbed Delivery
· Fire-Safing Insulation
· Gypsum
· Metal Stud and Track
· Engineered Cements
Custom Aluminium Store Fronts
· Standard Aluminum and Custom
· Clear, UV and Smoked Glass
· Installation Available